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Informujemy też, że nagranie z dnia informacyjnego „Info day on Green Deal call” Komisji Europejskiej, który odbył się podczas Europejskich Dni Badań i Innowacji 22 września jest dostępne pod adresem: https://player.freecaster.com/embed/1364901
Przypominamy, że uruchomiony 22 września I nabór w ramach Europejskiego Zielonego Ładu pozostaje otwarty do 26 stycznia 2021 r. i obejmuje 20 zaproszeń do składania wniosków w obszarach dot. klimatu, energii, gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym, energooszczędnych budynków, transportu, „od pola do stołu”, różnorodności biologicznej, środowiska bez zanieczyszczeń, oceanów i wzmacniania obywateli dla neutralnej klimatycznie Europy:
- Green Deal topic 1.1: LC-GD-1-1-2020: Preventing and fighting extreme wildfires with the integration and demonstration of innovative means
- Green Deal topic 1.2: LC-GD-1-2-2020: Towards Climate-Neutral and Socially Innovative Cities
- Green Deal topic 1.3: LC-GD-1-3-2020: Climate-resilient Innovation Packages for EU regions
- Green Deal topic 2.1: LC-GD-2-1-2020: Innovative land-based and offshore renewable energy technologies and their integration into the energy system
- Green Deal topic 2.2: LC-GD-2-2-2020: Develop and demonstrate a 100 MW electrolyser upscaling the link between renewables and commercial/industrial applications
- Green Deal topic 2.3: LC-GD-2-3-2020: Accelerating the green transition and energy access Partnership with Africa
- Green Deal topic 3.1: LC-GD-3-1-2020: Closing the industrial carbon cycle to combat climate change – Industrial feasibility of catalytic routes for sustainable alternatives to fossil resources
- Green Deal topic 3.2: LC-GD-3-2-2020: Demonstration of systemic solutions for the territorial deployment of the circular economy
- Green Deal topic 4: LC-GD-4-1-2020: Building and renovating in an energy and resource efficient way
- Green Deal topic 5: LC-GD-5-1-2020: Green airports and ports as multimodal hubs for sustainable and smart mobility
- Green Deal topic 6: LC-GD-6-1-2020: Testing and demonstrating systemic innovations in support of the Farm-to-Fork Strategy
- Green Deal topic 7: LC-GD-7-1-2020: Restoring biodiversity and ecosystem services
- Green Deal topic 8.1: LC-GD-8-1-2020: Innovative, systemic zero-pollution solutions to protect health, environment and natural resources from persistent and mobile chemicals
- Green Deal topic 8.2: LC-GD-8-2-2020: Fostering regulatory science to address combined exposures to industrial chemicals and pharmaceuticals: from science to evidence-based policies
- Green Deal topic 9.1: LC-GD-9-1-2020: European Research Infrastructures capacities and services to address European Green Deal challenges
- Green Deal topic 9.2: LC-GD-9-2-2020: Developing end-user products and services for all stakeholders and citizens supporting climate adaptation and mitigation
- Green Deal topic 9.3: LC-GD-9-3-2020: Transparent & Accessible Seas and Oceans: Towards a Digital Twin of the Ocean
- Green Deal topic 10.1: LC-GD-10-1-2020: European capacities for citizen deliberation and participation for the Green Deal
- Green Deal topic 10.2: LC-GD-10-2-2020: Behavioural, social and cultural change for the Green Deal
- Green Deal topic 10.3: LC-GD-10-3-2020: Enabling citizens to act on climate change, for sustainable development and environmental protection through education, citizen science, observation initiatives, and civic engagement